PARB, PARI, PARR – Blocks with input-defined parameter

Block SymbolsLicensing group: STANDARD
Qt SVG Document Exported by REXYGEN Studio P LOC Y PARB Qt SVG Document Exported by REXYGEN Studio ip LOC k PARI Qt SVG Document Exported by REXYGEN Studio p LOC y PARR

Function Description
The PARR, PARI and PARB blocks allow, additionally to the standard way of parameters setting, changing one of their parameters by the input signal. The input-parameter pairs are:

  • p and par for the PARR block,
  • ip and ipar for the PARI block,
  • P and PAR for the PARB block.

The Boolean input LOC (LOCal) determines whether the value of the par (or ipar, PAR) parameter is read from the input p (or ip, P) or is input-independent (LOC = on). In the local mode LOC = on the parameter par (or ipar, PAR) contains the last value of input p (or ip, P) entering the block right before LOC was set to on. Afterwards it is possible to modify the value manually.

The output value is equivalent to the value of the parameter y= par, (or k= ipar, Y= PAR). The output of the PARR and PARI blocks can be additionally constrained by the saturation limits lolim,hilim. The saturation is active only when SATF = on.

Note: The PARX block works on the same principle, but it can set parameters of all types. Consider also using the SHLD block, which can be used for storing numerical values, similarly to the PARR block.

This block does not propagate the signal quality. More information can be found in the 1.4 section.



Parameter value

Double (F64)


Activation of local mode


off ..

The parameter follows the input

on ...

Local mode active



Internal value of parameter  1.0

Double (F64)


Saturation flag


off ..

Signal not limited

on ...

Saturation limits active


Upper limit of the output signal  1.0

Double (F64)


Lower limit of the output signal  -1.0

Double (F64)



Analog output of the block

Double (F64)

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