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The FB 'PJSOCT' returns an error message when one of the JSON-objects has a value which equals 'false' or 'true'.
Returning strings is handled correctly by FB 'PJSOCT', even floats are this a bug or am I trying something which will never work?
(FYI : 'PJROCT' is returning the same error message as 'PJSOCT')
Hi scoobsalamander,
this is certainly a bug.
{"value": true} is definitely valid JSON which should be processed without any error. I already reported the issue to our developers.
Is the functionality critical for your future work? As a workaround: is there any chance to change the type from boolean to byte to proceed without error?
Thank you very much for your report.
Regards, Tomas
Hi Tomas,
No, it's not critical I was just playing around with some new functionalities (MQTT)...
I am not able to change the setup of the JSON string but I already have a working 'workaround'.... actually I am currently using NODE-RED and I thought it was time to get rid of it.
I think I'll just need to wait for the next update...anyhow, it looks already promising
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