OUTRQUAD, OUTROCT, OUTRHEXD – Multi-output blocks with verification

Block SymbolsLicensing group: ADVANCED
Qt SVG Document Exported by REXYGEN Studio val0 val1 val2 val3 raw0 raw1 raw2 raw3 OUTRQUAD Qt SVG Document Exported by REXYGEN Studio val0 val1 val2 val3 val4 val5 val6 val7 raw0 raw1 raw2 raw3 raw4 raw5 raw6 raw7 OUTROCT Qt SVG Document Exported by REXYGEN Studio val0 val1 val2 val3 val4 val5 val6 val7 val8 val9 val10 val11 val12 val13 val14 val15 raw0 raw1 raw2 raw3 raw4 raw5 raw6 raw7 raw8 raw9 raw10 raw11 raw12 raw13 raw14 raw15 OUTRHEXD

Function Description
The OUTRQUAD, OUTROCT and OUTRHEXD blocks allow simultaneous writing of multiple signals, they are similar to the OUTQUAD, OUTOCT and OUTHEXD blocks. Additionally they provide feedback information about the result of write operation for the given output.

There are two ways to inform the control algorithm about the result of write operation through the rawi output:

  • Through the value of the output, which can e.g. contain the real bit value in case of exceeding the limits of A/D converter (thus the raw notation).
  • Through reading the quality flags of the signal. This information can be separated from the signal by the VIN and QFD blocks.

The rawi outputs are not always refreshed right at the moment of block execution, there is some delay given by the properties of the driver, communication line and/or target platform.

The type and location of individual val and raw signals are described in the user manual of the corresponding driver.

This block does not propagate the signal quality. More information can be found in the 1.4 section.



Signal going to I/O driver




Write operation result (see documentation)


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