MB_DGEMM – Performs C := alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*C, where op(X) = X or op(X) = X^T
Block SymbolLicensing group: STANDARD
Function Description
The output references yA, yB and yC are always set to the corresponding input references uA,
uB and uC. If HLD = on then nothing is computed otherwise the BLAS function DGEMM is called
DGEMM(sTRANSA, sTRANSB, M, N, KA, alpha, uA, LDA, uB, LDB, beta, uC, LDC);
where parameters of DGEMM are set in the following way:
- Integer inputs transa and transb are mapped to strings sTRANSA and sTRANSB: {0,1}→"N", {2}→"T" and {3}→"C".
- M is number of rows of the matrix referenced by uC.
- N is number of columns of the matrix referenced by uC.
- If the input transa is equal to 0 or 1 then KA is number of columns else KA is number rows of the matrix referenced by uA.
- LDA, LDB and LDC are leading dimensions of matrices referenced by uA, uB and uC.
The error flag E is set to on if:
- the reference uA or uB or uC is not defined (i.e. input uA or uB or uC is not connected),
- transa or transb is less than 0 or greater than 3,
- KA≠KB; if the input transb is equal to 0 or 1 then KB is number of rows else KB is number of columns of the matrix referenced by uB (i.e. matrices op(A) and op(B) have to be multipliable).
- the call of the function DGEMM returns error using the function XERBLA, see the system log.
See BLAS documentation [9] for more details.
This block does not propagate the signal quality. More information can be found in the 1.4 section.
uA | Input reference to matrix A | Reference |
uB | Input reference to matrix B | Reference |
uC | Input reference to matrix C | Reference |
transa | Transposition of matrix A ↓0 ↑3 | Long (I32) |
transb | Transposition of matrix B ↓0 ↑3 | Long (I32) |
alpha | Scalar coefficient alpha | Double (F64) |
beta | Scalar coefficient beta | Double (F64) |
HLD | Hold | Bool |
yA | Output reference to matrix A | Reference |
yB | Output reference to matrix B | Reference |
yC | Output reference to matrix C | Reference |
E | Error indicator | Bool |
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