REXYGEN 2.50.10 is available and all users can upgrade for free. Follow the instructions below for upgrading from REXYGEN 2.50.x or REX 2.50.x.
In any case, it is recommended to backup the content of the /rex/rexcore directory on your target device prior to upgrading. If you do not know how to do it, don’t worry. In such a case the only thing you might need are the licensing keys and you can always find these in your user accout at
It is highly recommended to upgrade both the development tools on your desktop/laptop PC and the runtime modules on your target device(s).
Install the newest version of development tools.
Version 2.50.10 allows you to connect to any 2.50.x device, therefore you can uninstall all versions 2.50.x.
It is highly recommended to upgrade your OS to the newest version.
ONLY IF you are running an up-to-date Debian or Raspbian GNU/Linux (Stretch or Buster) and want to upgrade only REXYGEN runtime module (RexCore) on your target device, follow the instructions below.
WARNING – Note that your running algorithms will be restarted during upgrade!
Make sure you have following record in /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb buster non-free
Replace buster with stretch if you are still running Debian Stretch.
Update information about available packages:
sudo apt update
Uninstall runtime modules:
sudo apt purge rexcore rex-dbdrvt rex-odbc
and install the newest version of REXYGEN runtime modules:
sudo apt install --install-recommends rexygen-runtime
After installation is complete, your target device is running version 2.50.10 and is ready for use. Your licences are valid, check that the algorithm is running after the upgrade. If needed, just re-apply your licence key (SiteKey).