0304-01 E-mail Notifications

Example Projects > 0304 External Programs > 0304-01 E-mail Notifications

EPC - sending e-mail notifications from Linux

This is an example on sending e-mail notifications from Linux machines. The example is based on the EPC function block, which requires a licence for advanced function blocks.

For basic e-mail notifications please refer to example 0202-10 on using the SMTP function block.

The execution of the external program is triggered by the EXEC input of the EPC function block. In this example the external program is a Python script located in /rex/data/email_notification.py (the cmd parameter of the EPC function block).

Timing of the project

The algorithm runs each 500 milliseconds (0.5 s). See the EXEC function block,
tick x ntick0 = 0.1 x 5 = 0.5


  • REXYGEN Runtime Core and AdvBlk modules must be installed and running on the target device.
  • A valid licence for advanced function blocks is required.
  • Configure e-mail settings in the .py file.
  • Copy the .py file to /rex/data/ on the target device.

Running the example

  • The *exec.mdl file is the project main file.
  • Open it with REXYGEN Studio, compile and download it to the target device.
  • Switch to Watch mode and observe the algorithm.
  • Enable online monitoring of the EPC block (Target->Watch Selection).
  • Check your inbox for incoming e-mail notification.
  • Run MP_TRIGGER:BSTATE again to send another e-mail.


Additional information

  • Visit the REXYGEN webpage for more information about the example projects and developing advanced automation and control solutions using REXYGEN.