0120-10 Blink

Example Projects > 0120 Raspberry Pi > 0120-10 Blink

Blinking outputs of the Raspberry Pi

A very basic project which demonstrates access to GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi platform.


  • REXYGEN Runtime Core and RPiDrv module must be installed and running on the Raspberry Pi
  • The wiring must comply with the attached schematics.

Timing of the project

The algorithm runs each 20 milliseconds (0.02 s). See the EXEC function block,
tick x ntick0 = 0.02 x 1 = 0.02 s

Running the example

  • The *exec.mdl file is the project main file
  • Open it with REXYGEN Studio, compile and download it to the target device

User interface (HMI)

The example is accompanied by a HTML5-based user interface built on the WebBuDi framework (Web Buttons and Displays).


Additional information

  • Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
  • Visit the REXYGEN webpage for more information about the example projects and developing advanced automation and control solutions using REXYGEN.