Author archive

Roman Pišl

Vydán REXYGEN 2.50.11

Byl vydán REXYGEN 2.50.11 a všichni uživatelé mohou zdarma přejít na tuto verzi. Vývojové nástroje i run-time jsou kompatibilní s předchozí verzí 2.50.10. Vývojové nástroje jsou k dispozici ke stažení. Může nějakou dobu trvat než se balíčky nové verze dostane do stabilní větve. Další informace naleznete v dokumentaci. Co je nového: Přidána podpora pro UniPi Neuron, Axon a Patron. Přidána podpora pro 64-bitovou...

REXYGEN 2.50.11 is available

REXYGEN 2.50.11 is available and all users can upgrade for free. Both the development tools and the run-time are compatible with the previous version 2.50.10. The development tools are available for download. It may take some time before the run-time get into the stable branch for your platform. For more information, read the getting started...

Upgrading to REXYGEN 2.50.10 from 2.50.x

REXYGEN 2.50.10 is available and all users can upgrade for free. Follow the instructions below for upgrading from REXYGEN 2.50.x or REX 2.50.x. In any case, it is recommended to backup the content of the /rex/rexcore directory on your target device prior to upgrading. If you do not know how to do it, don’t worry. In such...

REXYGEN 2.50.10 is available

REXYGEN 2.50.10 is available and all users can upgrade for free. Both the development tools and the run-time are compatible with the previous version 2.50.9. The development tools are available for download. It may take some time before the run-time get into the stable branch for your platform. For more information, read the getting started...

Upgrading to REXYGEN 2.50.9 from 2.50.x

Detailed instructions for upgrading to the newest version of REXYGEN.

Upgrading to REXYGEN 2.50.9 from REX 2.10.x

It's time to let the obsolete version 2.10.x go. Detailed instructions for upgrading to the newest version of REXYGEN.

REXYGEN 2.50.9 is available

Our reaction to feedback and bug reports from the wonderful REXYGEN community.

REXYGEN 2.50.8 is available

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